Pysanyi Kamin (Painted Stone)

Bukovets village, Verkhovyna district
GPS coordinates: 48.178889 24.987222


Pysanyi Kamin is a complex of picturesque rocks from 2 m to 20 m high, containing rock paintings, the oldest date back to the Kyiv Rus times. Scientists believe that in pre-Christian times there was a pagan sanctuary on this place. Those, who worshiped the sun and wind, earth and mountains, used to come here. Mysterious signs are carved on the rocks - uniform crosses, circles, rhombuses, schematic figures of people. They are clearly visible in the sloping rays during sun rising or sunsets.

The nature of the Scriptural Stone had been attracting many visitors to this place for a long time. Famous people, including I. Franko, M. Kotsiubynskyi, O. Kobylianska, V. Stefanyk,  G. Khotkevych, O. Makovey used to visit this place.

Geological nature recourse of local significance.

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