"Hata-Hrazhda" ethnographic museum

Zarichchia settlement,
Kryvorivnia village, Verkhovyna district
GPS coordinates: 48.145501 24.826988

Mentioning about this house in the land tax-records dates back to 1858. Paliy and Paraska Haruk used to live here at the end of 19th - beginning of 20th century. Ivan Franko, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi, Volodymyr Hnatiuk used to come to Kryvorivnia to take a break, rest and collect ethnographic materials and often had visited Haruk family. In 1964, Khata-Hrazhda was used during filming of the "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" movie. Since 1984, Khata-Hrazhda was standing without use. In 1993, the building was renovated and a year later, during the First World Congress of Hutsuls, a museum was opened here. The museum had following exhibitions: photo exhibition by Lida Sukhy from Rochester "Kryvorivnia by the foreign guests’ eyes", Vasyl Kobyliuk photo exhibition "Verkhovyna region in the objective", and an exhibition of paintings from the museum holdings "An art is magnificent and eternal".


