"Hutsulshchyna" National Nature Park

Photo Serhii Krynytsia

84 Druzhby Str., Kosiv town
GPS coordinates: 48.324154 25.003408


"Hutsulshchyna" National Nature Park (NNP) was created by the President of Ukraine Decree as of May 14, 2002/ No. 456 with the purpose of preserving, reproducing and rational use of flora and fauna genetic resources, unique natural complexes and ethno-cultural environment of the Pokuttia-Bukovynian Carpathians.

The terrain of the territory is complex and heterogeneous. There is a piedmont area – Pokuttia- Precarpathian Mountains with dominant heights of 350-500 m asl. and the area of the Outer Carpathians, where absolute heights reach up to 1450-1470 m asl. The mountain ranges extend from northwest to southeast. For the most part, they have wide ridges and relatively sliding slopes with wide basins between them.

The highest peak of the "Hutsulshchyna" NNP is Gregit Mountain, 1472 meters high asl. Its slopes are covered with stone placers, locally called "gregoty". Some ranges, including the Sokilski range, have cliffs of 20-40 m high, which are popular training places for hikers, rock climbers and climbers.

The territory of the park has numerous rivers and streams. The largest of them are Liuchka, Pistynka, Rybnytsia, Cheremosh, which are right Prut river inlets. In the mountainous terrain and at the outlet from the mountains, rivers form rifts, reaches, waterfalls, which the locals call "huky" because of the roar and noise they cause. Waterfalls and reaches are popular recreational areas. Cheremosh River, which flows along the southern boundary of the park, is very popular among water recreation and sports fans.

Picturesque Cheremosh River is not only the Hutsul region business cards, but also of the whole Ukrainian Carpathians. Lebedyn Lake is another pearl of the Park located in the eponymous tract at an altitude of 650 m asl.

Famous hiking trails and ecological trails pass through the territory of the park: "On the Cliff Mountain", "To Rokyta", "On the Mikhalkova Mountain", "On the Kamin range", "On the Brusnii Range", "To Dubina", etc. Rural, green, equestrian and ethnotourism, cycling are being developed. Ski trails with lifts are located on the outskirts of Kosiv town and Sheshory village.

Megalithic sacral objects are of great historical and informative significance for visitors and residents of the region. Seven megalithic shrines that are more than three thousand years old are described in Kosiv region. The calendar-astronomical sanctuary (astronomical observatory, older than Stonehenge) centered on Lysyna Kosmatska, the Ternoshorska fertility and birth sanctuary with a statue of a pregnant woman, weighing more than 100 tons and over 10 m in height, deserve special attention.
The estate of St. Nicholas, a popular object among tourists is located within the park


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