Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Museum-Estate


Hrushivka hamlet, Kryvorivnia village, Verkhovyna district
GPS coordinates: 48.16357 24.88325

The Museum-estate is located in the settlement, where M. Hrushevskyi had his villa before the beginning of the First World War.

In the summer of 1902, at Ivan Franko’s advice, Mikhailo Hrushevskyi with his family had visited Kryvorivnia for the first time. For the next 5 years, during summertime, he used to live here in the house of a local man P. Zelenchuk. In 1907, he had bought a wooden estate from a polish wealthy man Vladislav Pshibilovski. The estate was located in the place where the Gulf of Berezhnitska River flows into the Black Cheryomosh River. Every summer, in the period from 1907 to 1914, Hrushevskyi with his wife and daughter had visited Kryvorivnya.

The house was decorated in Hutsul style. Mykhailo liked it so much, that he had eventually moved some of his scientific library to this home estate.

In 1917, the villa had burned down. In 2003, the house was restored according to the remaining projects and memoirs. It stores biographical documents, photographs and everyday items of the early twentieth century. The office of the scientist was also reconstructed. A rocking chair, a family heirloom and a rare thing and at the same time, is situated in the museum.

The Museum is a branch of the Regional Local Lore Museum.